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3 lb Package Bees with Mated Queen - 2025

3 lb Package Bees with Mated Queen - 2025

1 Package of Bees contains approximately 3 lb of honey bees and a mated queen.  The package also contains a container of liquid sugar syrup as food for the bees.


Each package is enough to start 1 complete colony.


Packages with Marked Queens cost $8 extra.  Choose between having an unmarked queen and a marked queen in your package. The main reason for a marked queen is to be able to spot the queen more quickly and to know if you still have the original queen. There is no difference to the hive if the queen is marked or unmarked.


Packages having Queens with a Clipped Wing cost $10 extra.  Most people do not choose this option.  You will not need a clipped queen if you are just starting your beekeeping experience unless you are using a Top Bar, Warré, no-wax-foundation frame hive.


The number of packages are limited and filled on a first-payment-received basis.


If you exempt from paying sales tax, please email us the completed Exemption Certificate available at  We will refund the sales tax that you are paying.  Contact us with questions,

    Excluding Sales Tax
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